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 |New Service: Drilling and Installation of Deep Tube Well |


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                                    FCL Brochure  Brochure of Foundation Consultants Ltd. (374 KB)

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 Electronic Cone Penetration Test Electronic Cone Penetration Test    Flat Plate Dilatometer TestFlat Plate Dilatometer Test    Undisturbed Sampling Undisturbe Sampling

Dynamic Testing of Piles  Dynamic Testing of Piles                Drilling and Installation of Deep Tube Well Drilling and Installation of Deep Tube Well

Geotechnical Investigation for Padma Bridge Geotechnical Investigation For Padma Bridge              Flat Plate Dilatometer TestGeotechnical Investigation for Padma Bridge

Foundation Consultants Ltd.

Development Constructions Ltd.

| Who We Are | Our Scope of Service | Our Key Personnel | Our Founder | Equipments We Use | Our Laboratory |

 | Completed Construction Projects | List of Consultancy Services Provided  | Photo Gallery | Brochure | Contact Us |

| New Service: Drilling & Installation of Deep Tube Well |